Our creative mind

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Our introduction series continues. Meet Elisabeth Elmauer - our designer, realizer and creative powerhouse.

Elli designs everything Craft Clarity has to offer: from illustrations to web design, from 3D objects to designing templates. Thanks to this variety of tasks, Elli never gets bored as she thrives on variety. Which is one of the many reasons why she feels right at home at Craft Clarity. If she was a crayon, she would be one with a rainbow mine with 5 different colors.

She now channels her creative energy from years of painting and drawing on sketch blocks into the modern world. Using digital tools, she develops new skills every day and continues to learn as she tries out new techniques in innovative and exciting ways. She is passionate about reading and researching in both her professional and personal life. That’s why she is always ready to take on new challenges and improve herself. With her perfectionism, she always strives for the best result, even if she has to admit that this is both a strength and a weakness - “it’s just a designer’s disease!” she says.

All in all, she enjoys her life to the fullest - she loves Asian and Italian food, is a passionate concert-goer, but also adores spending her life drawing at home. She is a nature girl, but also loves playing games on the computer. She simply combines the best of both worlds.

What's on your mind with Elli

Even though Elli likes to enjoy a kebab during her lunch break, she prefers to cook herself a quick, healthy lunch. She has also noticed that a growing number of people are choosing a healthier lifestyle and that health issues are increasingly gaining in importance - and she thinks that’s a good thing.

“These days, I’m finding that people are taking more care of themselves - physically and mentally. They’re far more open about dealing with illness and also talking about it when they’re in therapy. It is no longer a strictly taboo topic.

“I think the younger generation is just trying to stay more healthy and develop a good work-life balance.”

There is also a huge shift in thinking in society when it comes to nutrition. Many people are now even becoming vegetarian or vegan because it is healthier. A general openness is simply emerging to address issues that older generations didn’t want to talk about. They say that young people no longer want to work, but I think the younger generation is just trying to stay more healthy and develop a good work-life balance. 

“My goal is to live up to one hundred years old like the people from the Japanese fishing villages.”

For example, I’ve always enjoyed sports. I notice straight away when I don’t exercise: I get a headache more quickly and can’t concentrate as well. The same applies to an unhealthy diet: If I only eat unhealthy food, I feel tired.

However, I’ve only really started to care about healthy eating in the last few years. This is mainly because I hardly liked vegetables as a child. Because my boyfriend’s mother always cooked lots of vegetables when I was visiting, I realized that vegetables can actually be really tasty. At the end of the day, it’s better to eat more vegetables, so I started to integrate them into my everyday life.

My goal is to live to be one hundred years old like the people from the Japanese fishing villages, to stay fit and active and to eat healthily. After all, you can also work better when you’re healthy and feel fit.

“You can concentrate for much longer, you are more alert and creative.”

If I have back pain and difficulties concentrating, my work suffers as a result. This shift towards a healthy lifestyle and a good work-life balance is actually a very positive development for employers. You can concentrate for much longer, you are more alert and creative and this means you can work more effectively for longer periods. Employees’ work improves, they become more productive and therefore more efficient. 

 “Health is the new Megatrend.”

Many employees are also placing more and more importance on a healthy workplace, which also shows that health is the new Megatrend. For example, I now have a height-adjustable desk. This allows me to stand up from time to time, my brain as well as my body has a different movement sequence and gets going again. But that’s just one of many possible improvements. 

“Fitness is no longer just a private matter, but can also bring many advantages for employers.”

Many companies are now also taking the step of offering their employees additional health services, such as a company fitness subscription, where employees only pay a small fee and can exercise anywhere in the region. That’s not only offered by companies in big cities, but also in my small village at home. I think it’s great that such steps are now being taken towards employees. Making the workplace healthy and more attractive. It’s a win-win situation.

Fitness is no longer just a private matter, but can also bring many advantages for employers. I am glad that the fruit basket has been developed further. Everyone can only benefit from this.”

Ellis Bucket List

The first thing she dreams of is - very importantly - owning at least two cats. Then she would like to sing a song once in front of an audience, no matter how many people are watching. She „wouldn't recognize the mass anyway“, since she's shortsighted. And the last of the three points: She wants to reach the highest rank in her favorite online shooter game 'Valorant' - but she thinks that's the least likely goal to reach.